Social Committee Needs You!
Do you wish there was more going on? Are you a good organizer? Are you a good planner? Do you have good ideas? Do you like to be the boss? Then we need your help!
We are looking for volunteers to help create and organize events for Lakefield Manor. Our current Social Commitee is short on manpower! Some prior examples of events include:
Please contact the Board if you are interested in helping!
2010 Meeting Schedule | Important Information | 2010 Event Calendar | Surveys
2021 Social Committee MEETING SCHEDULE
In an effort to enhance HOA events, the Social Committee has decided to go paperless. Approximately $200 of the Social Committee’s annual budget is used to create flyers which inform and promote upcoming neighborhood events. The committee has determined that funneling that money back into events would allow us to do more for the neighborhood. With this commitment comes our final flyer. If you are interested in receiving Social Committee event information and registration emails, be sure you are signed up with the Communications Committee. This can be done one of two ways:
1. Via e-mail to the Communications Committee at
Please be sure to include your: Name, Street Address, and Email.
Remember to add to “Safe Sender” options so these notices are not treated as spam.
2. Online at the Lakefield Manor website:
To register, do one of the following:
• Click the Register link found at the top left of the website above the left navigation bar.
• Click the “Stay Informed/ Update Your Profile” icon found at the bottom left of the navigation bar.
• Select any navigation link on the left-hand side that requires a password to access.
* Please note, the following information fields are mandatory:
First Name, Last Name, Email, Street Address, and Enter the Verification Code
- Upon submitting your request an email will be sent to the Lakefield Manor Webmaster who will review
your information and provide approval.
- Upon approval you will receive a “Welcome” email providing your access information.
To download a full color PDF flyer of this information, click the link below.
2021 Social Committee CALENDAR
Be sure to save the dates!
The Social Committee is excited to be hosting the following events in 2021. Be sure to sign up with the Communications Committee to receive further details and registration information about these events.
Should you have any questions, comments, or feedback about any of this year’s events, please feel free to contact Sara Bellaire at
Results of the Social events survey conducted in February 2010. Click the link below to download the PDF file.
Watch for more information on these events to be posted on the Lakefield Manor website or delivered to your Inbox!